International activity

The "Language Club of Communication" has started at VyatSU

  • 11 October 2021, 16:29
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2767

The main program of the project will consist of five meetings - they will be held in different languages

On October 8th, in the "Boiling Point" of VyatSU the "Language Club of Communication" started its work, implemented by the Faculty of International Education and the Faculty of Linguistics of VyatSU under the project "International Youth Club" with the support of the federal agency "Rosmolodezh".

    - So far, we are talking about holding five meetings of foreign and Russian students aimed at getting to know their peers from different countries, overcoming barriers in communication, and developing competencies in intercultural communication. In the future, we plan to make these meetings permanent: you can invite graduates of Vyatka State University, working both in Russia and abroad, to them, - said the Dean of the Faculty of International Education Irina Merkulova.

“We are different, but we are together” - these words became the theme of the first lesson, brilliantly conducted by Olga Sysolyatina, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language. Meetings, various trainings, group and pair work - all in English!

Subsequently, communication at meetings in the club will take place in other languages, in particular Chinese. Denis Voitov, senior lecturer of the Department of Linguistics and Translation, informed about this. He also announced the following lesson: it will discuss the problems associated with adaptation in a foreign country, unfamiliar culture. International students will talk about what causes them difficulties; Russians, in turn, will give advice, provide life hacks - in general, they will help get used to Vyatka land! And at the same time the guys will make friends - isn't it great?

Read in Russian
